Sunday, February 5, 2012

Changes, Changes, Changes

Oh my goodness! Again I have failed at keeping up with this thing. I want to be a blogger, I want to have a place to share things in my life, but keeping up with my crazy life has not been easy. There have been so many changes in my life and my family's life. From October to January our littlefamily has three has been very, very busy.

In October we lost our little adopted dog Addie. She
suddenly died of a heart att
ack. She was born six years ago with hear murmur and we knew that she would die eventually, but we didn't expect to loose her so soon. It was a hard adjustment on both all of us, especially gracie. Addie will always hold a special little place in our hearts. Our little stubby bear is missed. The end of October I went back to working full time again as a receptionist for a Law Firm in Town. Totally a different game for me. Going back to work full time was hard at first, but Emma is in a wonderful in home daycare and is learning so much. I am learning and growing a lot too. Who knew Law could be so interesting. In November Emm

a celebrated her first Thanksgiving and was very excited she got to eat all the wonderful foods. She loved
pumpkin pie, turkey and sweet potatoes the best. December was a very busy month. Our sweet little girl turned one and had her very first sample of cake. (wellreally whole cake because she got the whole thing.) She
also loved opening all her presents and getting to see all her little friends. The same weekend of her party we celebrated her first birthday with Mimi and Poppy at North Park mall where she met the real Santa Claus and see the train exhibit. She loved story time with Santa. She loved the trains and the fountains at North Park, but when it came time to have her picture made with Santa, she was not a fan. However we still got a great shot. Emma loved Christmas with the family. She got a lot of toys that she has enjoyed playing with. The holidays were filled with joy and many blessings. Not working full time in the photography industry has opened up new opportunities for me to pursue photography on more of professional level. My hope with the new year is to share more of my work,
and share opportunities I've had with people during different stages of life.
Since we are also heading into the season for Oscars, I hope to provide my insight on all the favorite movies from 2011. However life gets busy and my one year old keeps me very busy. So until my next post I hope you enjoy the latest updates.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


So I know its been a long time since my last post, but I'm still trying to figure this whole blog thing out, and I have been super busy!! There have been a lot of changes in my life lately that I will have to post soon. First though, since I am now unemployed, I can openly share my love for photography!! So that being said here are a few of my favorites from the past!!!

Thank you to all my beautiful subjects, who have let me experiment with them! I have enjoyed getting to take part in special life moments with you! To everyone else I hope you love these images as I do and I can photograph your special moments one day too.

Friday, March 11, 2011

My Sweet Little Emma Grace

So to mark the thee month birthday of my sweet little girl, I thought I would take the time to share with you how she got here, and how the Lord truly blessed our little family with the most precious gift. Every time I look at her I am overwhelmed with joy that cannot be explained. I always knew I wanted to be a mom, but never really felt I was prepared for such a huge job. As I have come to learn, no one is. Now that she is here, I cannot imagine life without her. She is the perfect edition to our family. So without further ado, here is how Emma Grace became to be.

Birth Story
It was the evening of Friday December 17th, we were ready for a nice relaxing weekend after a really long week. The evening began with dinner at Pappi's Tex Mex, and then back to the house for some R&R. I was feeling some pain, but totally brushed it off as normal end of pregnancy stuff. Spent most of the evening just laying on the couch, and then went to bed early, as I did most nights being pregnant.
I then woke up around 2am to go to the bathroom. I thought it was a little odd that I was having some discharge, but was too tired to really care, so I got back in bed. Next thing I know, everything is wet. So I wake Jeremy to let him know that I think my water broke. ( I mean really what do I know) We called the doctor, he said that if I start to have contractions to go to the hospital and if not he would plan to meet me there the next morning. At first I was mad because the doctor on call, was not my doctor at all. In fact it was a man I had never heard of before, not cool!
Well about an hour later we were on our way. I was cramping (contractions). We started making the calls and packing the bag. Jeremy's parents, on their way. My parents, in Prague at a castle, so we called my aunt and uncle. They were excited and hoped in the car. They were going to have to sub in for my parents. On the way to the hospital, I desperately tried contacting my massage therapist and coach several times. No answer. I began to worry. My plan was to do everything natural, but knew I needed the support of husband and Lori to convince me to go through with it. We arrived at the hospital, had to fill out a ton of papers and get situated in a room. The nurse came in, checked me out and right away admitted me. I was already at a seven and we were going into labor.
Finally we got a hold of Lori and she got there quick! I was so happy to see her. The Lord really knew what he was doing, because the next day Lori was leaving to go on vacation and would not be back until after Emma's original due date. I needed Lori, she was the only way I was going to deliver naturally and even then, not so sure I was actually going to go through with it. We began breathing work, sitting on the birthing ball, rocking in a chair, but we could not walk around. The nurses were being super paranoid. A few family members came in to say hi, but eventually we made them leave. After about seven hours of contractions, with little to know pain, we than begin for the long stretch. I thought the world was going to end. I had never experienced so much pain in my life.
I began to beg for pain relief, to which I discovered later both Lori and Jeremy refused to let the doctor give me any. (crazy) I know I should say it was wonderful and beautiful, but to this day I still remember the pain. Thank the Lord it didn't last long. Lori helped keep me somewhat calm the whole time and Jeremy held my hand. (brave man) Within 30 minutes of pushing my sweet little girl was here. Now that was the most amazing relief of pain EVER!! The next thing I know I am holding her in my arms. She was the most beautiful baby ever!
The Lord was there from the time conception, she was conceived in prayer. He was there during the whole pregnancy, Emma was perfect and healthy and I hardly gained any weight. He was there at the her birth, providing no complications and giving me more than I could ever dream. Not only that, but she is a BEAUTIFUL baby girl!! I've wanted a girl for as long as I can remember. Thank you oh Lord for the many blessings you have provided. The Lord truly brings out restoration to my soul!! He provides, protects and loves.
Little Emma, I'm overwhelmed by your joy daily!

Emma Grace Wells born: December 18, 2010 7lbs and three weeks early! (That was the Lord as well, didn't have to pay more in insurance and we got a tax break :) )

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Ok.... so a little about myself to start off my blog! I am a Christ follower striving to be more like him daily. I am a wife of five years to a banker, now kindergarten teacher. (Who by
the way is an answered prayer from the Lord, he is my constant reminder of things when I loose my mind, and he loves
math and is good with money. I am NOT! ) Marriage has been a challenging journey that has brought us both closer to the Lord in so many ways. Hopefully one day I will share our story.

I am a new mom to a beautiful little girl, Emma Grace. Being a mom was something I was very fearful of. Thought I wouldn't be good at it, and really didn't know how to interact with
little babies that couldn't talk for themselves.

WOW! I was wrong. Emma is beautiful and I can't stop talking to her. I can't wait to see her grow! Hopefully soon I will share her birth story. I am also a working mom, which has been a huge adjustment, but my day truly begins when I walk in the door and my little girl and husband are waiting for me.

I'm excited about starting this blog and being a place for me to start writing again and also a place where I can share with others my thoughts, journeys and struggles. As well as hopefully give family members up to date info on their favorite granddaughter and niece. So to everyone out there, happy reading!